ISO 9001 is a globally recognized standard used by businesses like yours to continuously monitor, manage, and enhance quality....
ISO 27001 is a globally recognized standard for Information Security, published by the International Organization for Standardization.
The ISO 45001 Standard aids organizations in effectively managing health and safety risks, thereby reducing associated costs.
ISO 22000 is a set of guidelines that assist businesses in establishing and managing a Food Safety Management System, guiding their processes and procedures.
HACCP is a comprehensive preventive strategy for food safety, addressing biological, chemical, physical, and radiological hazards in production processes.
In today's volatile times, organizations must be prepared for potential disasters like floods, fires, cyber attacks, or terrorism using the ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management System.
Good manufacturing practices (GMP) are essential guidelines for adhering to licensing requirements for the production and sale of food, beverages, and cosmetics.
Our ISO consultancy approach is similar to our implementation of ISO and BS:EN Management Standards, focusing on a collaborative and supportive approach.
Accura Certification Limited is always your strategic partner and trusted service provider. All clients inquiries, emails and phones are always responded in a timely manner. A team of customer services is responsible for clients contact, schedule arrangement, report delivery, after sales services and complaints handling etc.
>All complaints and integrity issues will be 100% investigated and responded timely.
Presence of Accura Certification Limited across the World for Social Audits
United States, Italy, Sri Lanka
Briefing about Social Audits: SEDEX Audits & SA 8000 certification
It is a trusted and widely recognised ethical audit service. SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) is a online platform. SMETA audits seek out evidence of unethical behaviour in child labour, freedom of association, compensation and pay, excessive and unfair working hours, forced labour, health and safety regulations, and environmental regulations. Through SMETA audits, we allow your stakeholders, and communities, to trust your organisation as compliant.